14 Oct Newsletter: Workplace Investigations
Workplace Investigations
HR Law specialises in workplace investigations and through a well-developed confidential process can conduct small to large workplace investigations in a timely manner. Our process involves the taking of formal instructions to act, reviewing all relevant material, interviewing the complainant/s, relevant witnesses and respondent/s, considering all the evidence and making finding/s on the facts, all of which we present in a workplace investigation report.
HR Law has conducted numerous workplace investigations for small to large employers in various areas including, complaints of bullying, inappropriate management behaviour, workplace health and safety, sexual harassment and discrimination. HR Law has extensive experience in tailoring our investigation process to comply with the employer’s internal Policy and Procedures.
Why conduct an external investigation?
Because HR Law:
- is independent and unbiased, which eliminates any perceived bias or unfairness that may arise in an internal investigation (particularly where the respondent is a senior level employee);
- specialises exclusively in workplace related issues – it’s what we do and we are very effective and capable in our chosen field;
- as a legal practice, can ensure that the investigation process is conducted in a manner to limit any risks to the organisation (e.g. litigation, negative PR); and
- has lawyers at all levels, including an accredited specialist (workplace relations), so we can ensure that the right lawyer, with the necessary experience, conducts the workplace investigation. This also means that you can be assured that you are also receiving a cost efficient service.
We can conduct the workplace investigation from your office (we travel nationally and internationally to conduct investigations) or we can facilitate the interview process from our office.
If you would like to find out more about our workplace investigations, please contact us on 07 3211 3350 or info@hrlawyers.com.au.
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